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Welcome to the Kentucky Medicaid Provider Enrollment Portal
Provider Enrollment
Thank you for choosing to participate in the Kentucky Medicaid Program. The Kentucky Medicaid Program appreciates your interest and welcomes the opportunity to work with you to provide health care services to Kentucky Medicaid members.
The Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) only contracts with providers or entities qualified under 907 KAR 1:671 and 907 KAR 1:672 and approved by DMS to participate. DMS reserves the right to approve or reject an agreement with any provider.
Pursuant to 907 KAR 1:672 section 2 1(c) (1), you must be enrolled as participating provider prior to being eligible to receive reimbursement.
Notice of Screening Risk Change for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospice Providers:
Provider Information - Cabinet for Health and Family Services (
FQHC (PT 31):
For FQHC (PT 31), if you are facing delays in obtaining the NOA (Notice of Award) please reach out Provider Enrollment at 877 838 5085 letting us know of the delay so that we can work with you on getting your file updated accordingly.
Provider session on the PHE unwinding and Medicaid Renewals:
For more information and registration please visit:
Medicaid Public Health Emergency Unwinding - KHBE (
Resumption of Prior Authorization of Medicaid Behavioral Health Services:
For more information please visit:
BH PA Provider Letter
Termination of Anthem as a Medicaid Managed Care Organization:
Provider Letters and Resources - Cabinet for Health and Family Services
The State Medicaid agencies are required to bring Providers back in compliance with the revalidation requirement once the PHE is lifted. If you are a Provider whose revalidation due date occurred during the PHE and as a result did not submit a revalidation to KY DMS, we now encourage you to complete and submit a revalidation. This will allow KY DMS to review and process your revalidation in a timely manner and in accordance with Federal guidance.
For information related to participation in KY Medicaid see
CHFS DMS Website
For more information on Partner Portal updates, newsletters and training resources visit
KYMPPA Training Website
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Release Number :- R5.26.0
Copyright ©2025 Commonwealth of Kentucky